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Flight Plan Instructions for Boys

Your Dashboard

Welcome to your dashboard! That red bar on the left has your main navigation options. You can click on the Flight Plan logo to go back to the main Flight Plan website, or you can click on the gear to find the link to log out.


You can also use the blue activity stars to get around and track your progress:

  • Bright blue stars show a completed activity
  • Grey stars show an incomplete sactivity
  • Outlined stars show a locked activity (you cannot click on these yet)

On the dashboard, the stars are on the left. In an activity, the stars are at the top of a page.

Your Activities

In the main section of the page are 3-5 circles—those are your activities. There are 4 types of activities that might be in a chapter:

  • Journals: Most chapters include 2 journals, which ask you to respond to a question and think through what you read. (The adult who set up your account can see what you write.)
  • Life Skills: Most chapters have an infographic to walk them through the basics of a life skill. These are exciting skills that every man should know. The infographic provides a quick introduction, but ask a parent to teach you the skill.
  • Take Action: Some chapters will challenge you to apply what you are reading about and then write about that experience. (Like with journals, the adult who set up your account can read what you write.)
  • Quiz: Once you have completed the other activities, you can prove your knowledge with the quiz. The quiz is 4 multiple-choice questions based on what you read in that chapter. You need to do the other activities to unlock the quiz, and then answering 3 of the 4 questions correctly on the quiz will unlock the next chapter.